by John M. It seemed strange leaving my team in mid-season, but I had received a summons- the kind of summons one could not refuse. A summons from Jack Vaughn, the owner of the Doves, to visit him and explain the direction the team was taking. Mr. Vaughn was currently residing at the famous sanitarium…
Frederic Hayter
While “If” was only published in 1910, Kipling had been working on it since 1895. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was the summer of 1895, and we were living in Trenton, New Jersey, the place I was born. My father and mother, along with myself, had moved into my grandfather’s house a…
Team Meeting
The Team Meetingby Steve Meyers New York Bakers April 20, 1908 Owner: Thatddeus Wolcroft 75 years old GM: Julien Henri 32 years old TW: I’ve got some concerns Julien. JH: I know, boss, we’re in the cellar, again, but it’s different this time. We are only… TW: I’m not talking about the team record Julien. …
Hunting the Rifles? – A 1908 Season Preview
The night before Opening Day. As usual, the Boeselager brothers, their general manager Martin Pitsch, and manager Troy Bujak sat in the Boeselager’s office in their own ballpark. They talked about the upcoming season and the work that still needs to be done but also chatted over some beers. All were excited to finally play…
Spring (Allegro)
As the soft hues of dawn painted the sky, the newly minted Eastern League Most Valuable Player ventured out onto the streets of Brooklyn. It was the spring of 1908, and the early morning air held a crispness that invigorated Charlie Taylor’s senses, awakening in him the natural rhythm that had captivated fans across the…
The Unlikely GM, Cuthbert Bates
It was a cold New England Spring and Judge Cartwright’s joints were sore. “I have been given this responsibility by the state of Rhode Island for life, and I intend to serve out my term.” “I meant no disrespect, sir. I was simply thinking about…” The Judge’s eyebrow raised contemptuously, “Do you presume to know…
1908 Saint Louis Reds Season Preview
By Sean T. Hello All! Harry Musgrave here. Everyone’s … well almost everyone’s favourite reporter for all things St. Louis Reds. Well, well, well can you believe it!? The Reds actually decided they needed to shake things up, they figured that rolling out basically the same pitching staff and to a lesser degree the same…
John Oxenden Pitcher Oilers.
I love a train, I always have done ever since I was a child. My father worked on the rails as did his father, it was even said my great grandfather also worked on the rail but building them. I was all for working as an engineer but my father said. “Son you have a…
Sporting Oversight Committee Fines LBL, Expels Illegal Academy Class
In a swift and unexpected political power reach, a congressional committee spearheaded by Senator Samuel Watson (D-VA) announced it’s multi-month investigation into the Legacy Baseball Academy League’s recruiting methods. The Legacy Baseball Academy League (LBAL) is a conglomeration of secondary schools across the nation privately chartered by the Legacy Baseball League. These schools provide a…
GM Neil Thomas (Pittsburgh)
He leaned back in his chair and opened the pocket watch up that he had removed from his waistcoat, GM Neil Thomas was just like the owner of the Oilers maybe that’s why Chester Colfax gave him the job, not out of sympathy but out of understanding. Within the pocket watch was a photograph of…