Jericho Downing, Richmond Daily News
14 August, 1902
Insiders at Libby Hill report that Frank Selee, one of the few Managers left from the National League era, was fired by Rifles owner and tobacco magnate Michael Monroe this morning.
Selee managed the Boston Beaneaters of the National League from 1890-1894. He led the Richmond Rifles from last to first place in just two seasons, before a disappointing 1902 run.

Young Frank was a respected and successful manager known for his confrontational personality and aggressive base stealing. However, insiders at Libby Hill report that his arguments with General Manager Preston Kirby increased dramatically in 1902, particularly over his relationship with Richmond pitchers Ivy Maw and William Kynaston.
Some speculate the move is a sacrificial offering to the ownership after Richmond dropped from First Place to Third between 1901 and 1902.
GM Preston Kirby offered brief comments as he exited the Monroe Trolley this afternoon after a meeting at Libby Hill.
“Gents, we wish Young Frank the best. But here are the facts–if you bring National League ideas to a Legacy baseball arena, and you are unwilling to change, you must seek havens outside this glorious Commonwealth of Virginia.”
Richmond Bench coach Joshua Price was named Interim Manager for the Rifles. Price, 32, is known for his cordial personality and is spotted frequently at GM Preston Kirbys home off 22nd Street in Richmond.
Mr. Selee declined to comment.