While “If” was only published in 1910, Kipling had been working on it since 1895. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was the summer of 1895, and we were living in Trenton, New Jersey, the place I was born. My father and mother, along with myself, had moved into my grandfather’s house a…
Author: Neil Thomas
John Oxenden Pitcher Oilers.
I love a train, I always have done ever since I was a child. My father worked on the rails as did his father, it was even said my great grandfather also worked on the rail but building them. I was all for working as an engineer but my father said. “Son you have a…
GM Neil Thomas (Pittsburgh)
He leaned back in his chair and opened the pocket watch up that he had removed from his waistcoat, GM Neil Thomas was just like the owner of the Oilers maybe that’s why Chester Colfax gave him the job, not out of sympathy but out of understanding. Within the pocket watch was a photograph of…
A New Hope.
There are low expectations in Pittsburgh going into the 1908 season, then there always are no matter what the year. 13 seasons of never having a winning record will do that to a ball club, however there is a glimmer of hope. They haven’t even hit the heady heights of a .500 season since there…