Madigan Hall, Manhattan
Monday, September 5th, 1905
After two weeks of debate and meetings at Madigan Hall, New York, the early lead in Commissioner voting to determine the successor of Alexander P. Madigan seems to be leaning slightly in the favor of Madigan’s chosen heir, Winfield “Colonel Garrison,” Undersecretary and current Acting Commissioner of the LBL.
A career Army veteran with experience in Cuba and the Philippines, Garrison represents the moderate faction of the Legacy Baseball League administration. Vowing to formalize and regulate the Players Union, maintain the Reserve Clause, and open league eligibility to citizens of the United Kingdom (to include Canada,) Garrison’s neutral, moderate campaign approach seems, as of now, to appeal most to the body of General Managers in assembly.
Jacob M. Parker, the dark horse, left-wing candidate from the Sporting Times, trails Garrison by a narrow margin. Conservative and Monroe Tobacco Vice President Henry Watson is polling in a distant third.
With just one week left in assembly, General Managers will cast their final ballots in the next several days at Madigan Hall. The choice to succeed Madigan will likely produce wide implications on the future of the league, as each candidate’s campaign promises and personal beliefs will serve as the helm for the league’s direction for many years to come. Legacy Baseball League Commissioners are elected for life.
(Cast your vote for the next LBL Commissioner here.)