(Written by Steve M.)
Victory Bread
By Moe Nash
Dear Mr. Henri,
It was with regret that I retired from the Legacy Baseball League at the youthful age of twenty-six years.
It became clear that my rookie season at age 20 was a happenstance of luck more than skill as my
numbers would never come close to the .726 OPS for that 1900 season. But, we both agreed to this
previous to my retirement notice. Just refreshing your mind a bit.
As luck would have it, I stayed on at the bakery taking the lead on most anything that was asked of me
including bread production. My love of baking and fondness for the New York Baker professional
baseball team will always keep me part of that two-pronged love affair I have with the both of them.
Some players play baseball for the dough they make but I can straight forward tell you that only figured
into my second job as a production baker. The dough I made right in that prestigious cathedral of a
bakery is the kind my hands like to grab hold of. As a ball player I wasn’t paid much anyway. Heck, I
would have played for free if you’d ask me to.
I still attend every home game. I sit in the dugout most times and some of the new folks might mistake
me for a water boy or gopher because of my youthful appearance. Shucks, I’m okay with that notion
because I was never one to want to grow up too quickly. I still like hanging out with the guys and
puttering around the bakery is my idea of a splendid Saturday afternoon. When there is not a home
Anyway, the purpose of this little note Mr. Henri is to inform you, with your blessing, that I will be
bringing loaves of Victory Bread to each home game for the Bakers. I’ll be on hand with my bread slicing
knife and cutting board, make of ash mind you, to slice some up for the boys. They don’t have to win
the game but the idea is to get them thinking about winning while their chewing on that gluten
Anyway, I’m leaving you a sample loaf so you can give it the stamp of approval. If you want more rye in
it, or something, kindly let me know and I will alter the formula to your standards.
Moe Nash